I too a son of God, born into this filth Existing only to overthrow you With undying hatred i will crush you Bleeding faith from all your followers Beginning my demise tempting all the brainwashed Bending all your lies into ones of my own Flocks of frail sheep, devoured by my ambush Helpless god sustained, infirmities fester within your will Awaiting your defeat you embrace those suffering I've just begun slithering among your helpless conceptions Blinded by your light, i strike I suffocate your kind to rule, governer of man extinct Desecration decomposing in the name of authority Blasphemy is all that conceived Ashes of your existence shall be disposed I stomp all respect for you Possesing whats left of your will Your realm shall disappear stealing your dignity Saviour corrode forever to eradicate your memory Celestial occurence forgotten perpetually