Dephts Of Hatred

Archaic Ascendency

Dephts Of Hatred

Death through descent
Oppression lies within the hands of the ancient, forever founding the fallacy of worthlessness
Destined to rot till the wasted fade
Our defiance disrupting our integrity
Condemned to depredation, our common adversary: our own givers of life
Bloodshed, torture, torment
Fortitude, essence to our transgression
Youth ingested through systematic work and placement
Fate’s already decided, we implement
History shaped according to a goal and motive
We are the sons of despair, the fathers of annihilation
We embody a waste of life

We are nothing but a severed limb
We are amputees of a power above
Their reign shall end now
We’ve squandered our time enough thus far
It’s time to take death back and rid the ancient
Rebuild a society not for the living dead
We will not fall we are immortal
Scorn the breath of genesis; the harmony of heart and decay.