I sink below the brine The breakers above me roll Deeper than the sounding line Could reach me here below I'm surrounded by profound Unfathomable unknown Baptized and left breathless So it shows that I am known Here at the mountain roots The bars have closed on me You heard my cries for help Removed my enmity Our tidal bodies in union Each drawn to their own Restoring communion So it shows that I am known Three days in the abyss Like Jesus in the ground Resurrected with purpose Mercy for the nearly drowned You set my feet back on dry earth My life is not my own So I'll call it rebirth So it shows that I am known I am known I am known I am known There’s no time to be asleep At the bottom of the sea When peace like a river attends to my way When sorrows like sea billows roll Whatever my lot, You have taught me to say “Even so, it is well with my soul” It is well with my soul It is well with my soul It is well with my soul