Walkin' on the edge and leanin' in to it A step at a time down the road to ruin If mama wants to know what her boy's been doing I'm walkin' on the edge and leanin' in to it I grew up on top of old black foot hill Filling my bottle from a whiskey still Kickin' up dust and tryin' to see through it Walkin' on the edge and leanin' in to it Walkin' on the edge high above the ground I like my whiskey strong I like my music loud Yeah me and my friends we're gonna show you how to do it Just a walkin' on the edge and leanin' in to it [ guitar ] A wife and two kids and I'm a nervous wreck My mother-in-law will be the death of me yet Working graveyard shift and tryin' to live through it Walkin' on the edge and leanin' in to it Walkin' on the edge high above the ground... Just a walkin' on the edge and leanin' in to it