"This is the scroll of Thoth. Oerein are set down the magic words by which is raised Osiris from the dead. Oh! Amon-Ra! Oh! God of gods! Death is but the doorway to new life. We live today, we shall live again. In many forms shall we return. Oh, mighty one." Lying dormant for ages A dusty tomb my home Dead forever yet breathing My destiny inscribed in stone Dust and rot fill my veins My eyes penetrate the dark Silently dreaming of life Watching those who embark Oh, you pitiful humans Do not enter my shrine The curse has been written Death will be thine Fly on the wings of darkness Blood is but dust in my veins Life crumbled in my hands All the years I reigned Befoul my grave and you pay the price The stings of a thousand scorpions' bites When your screams echo through the halls The tomb's closing as the darkness falls When the stars are right When the time is near My gods will speak Awakening after all these years Like the gorge through the desert Like the incense in the air Like the sun above the pyramids I will always be there