Echoes through the stairs - on the way of the dungeon weighty steps - recall the hammer of the sentence The frightening presage - becomes the cold death of the hope - The last empty plate... The last rat crosses... SUDDENLY ... THE HANGMAN freezes your last breath! Moulded muscles - by the weight of the axe scars and past - silent shadow "... Who are you death's servant, masked executioner..." The victim's final contemplation mowed down in mystery. "... ENCHAIN HIM AND GIVE ME THE AXE SEE THE WASTE ON THE WOOD AND THE CRUST OF BLOOD... CALL THE WOODCUTTER! LET HIM CUT AND BRING A TRUNK. ON THIS, HE WILL BE THE LAST..." SUDDENLY ... THE HANGMAN freezes your last breath! SUDDENLY ... THE HANGMAN poisons your last breath... Sudden hangman - countless heads... Unexpected hangman - his life, his deads...