I burn with force and pride in the Satan tracks and make it overloaded I burn in the old flames of the first and never ending authentic glory's breath I follow free no doubts fast like wind I'm the Hard Rider of hell I'm on fire, in all desire of seeing a new dark age I blaspheme tonight Around the world the Force of damnation brings the earth back to the past And turns the seven last trumpets into demoniac Hellhorns to play a thunder roll Satan in total dominion guide (us) his followers (all) united and strengthened DEMONTHOR across the sky, leading THE FORCE on the route of Conquer Battle All the opposers fall like pitiful puppets (all) crushed and slashed Dead with the illusory reality of the slave's god's commandments And I tell you, there is a wide difference between being slave and free And now you can, with no fear, take your great decision And go on with Satan in this way of victory freedom and Rock'n Roll Above the damn fools jailed in their reality of lies So, all of them tremble before that when man and beast are one ! Break the rules and triumph in pinnacles of power And just one spark was lighted very long ago in the womb of utopia And there was spawned a serpent and now is the harvest time... The poison of the serpent is our wine Now, our steps are clanging... Loud!