A diva, She sings for me Sarahnading me to sleep Her song profound, how sweet it sounds I am enthralled as I listen and weep She sings of Her romanticistic ideals As my tears fall like rain from black storm-clouds above This melody treats a starving insomniac to a musical feast And this is from where I drew my misconceptions of love In Her palatial room asleep, I'd watch Sarahccubus dream Bearing witness to Her slumber, always brought me to such peace Whilst I beheld the Sarahnity of my beloved Sleeping Beauty Simple delights in a paradise that I thought would never cease These walls encased our carnal raptures; the pleasures that lovers see These simple delights in a paradise that unbeknownst to me would shortly cease... What entwining tides of time shalt suffer unto fortune's swine? That She would grace a pedastal that I would exalt in the dead of night Why doth thou flaunt thy femininity with another that might Whither in these same tragic blights that plague this despondent heart of mine? Thus; hear my obsession... "A twisted curse is what thou lives A fable of love, with folklore 'twixt Out of adoration thou cannot be blissed So soon thou seeks remission from an empty kiss" Thus; hear my obsession... What wondrous ornaments were torn down from the nighting skies? That graced a twinkling, glowing aura behind those bewildering eyes? Her splendour, an elegance to which the higher echelons subsided An exquisite magnificence that graced the Earth in the magick that Aphrodite provided This majesty, my Princess with swan-like grace and eloquence Drowned with me in wonderland where the regal would perform their awed obeissance But what becomes of yesterday, as tomorrow's shores lie dimmed? Would She break the man inside the beast, and take away his grandeur from him? When worshipping Her was the only love that He ever knew An ardent affair He would acclaim but ensnared passions wouldn't subdue My archangelic enchantress roams nonchalant, abliss, abroad But somewhere the symphony of life hath struck a deafening foul chord... I nearly died, attempting suicide Under the same zodiac and in the same vain But I would not chide this ill-fated rhyme For love-sickened sorrow swallowed for me a bleak bane My love was in vain Conducting the symphonies that these illustrious orchestras play But why doth dirge infiltrate music this way? Slowly suffocating, suffusing the air with my mourning, tragic song With solemn words I Sarahnade my enthralled throng; thus "This romance has died to an ill-fated fear That this love would flourish eternally abundant throughout echoing blissed years But poets haven't verses to convey my pains Only now that dusk falls, the memory of holding thee returns again..." And then it fades As I realise what game thou doth play...