Heavens are crying with blood Tears of night, falling down Behold the dark forest below Rimming away, trying to catch the last breath Demons of night, creatures from beyond Are getting closer with each second They followed the scent of terror and fear When coldness and emptiness reach it's limits, And satan's hands touch the soul, And feast upon the absolut! You awake, and for a moment there You can see a god in a mirror Self mutilated image of creator and opressor. All mixed into one. climax point accour You realise that combining the opposites has already begun Wounds were made by the same hands That wanted the pain To run away. Self injected paranoja Consumes sick mind and dying soul. Is this you? or is it - a anightmare Growing inside you head Demons of mind know the answer But consciousness is already dead! Nothingness, arise without your notice, And dark forests are now closing The schackles of mind once again Tearing apart the last hope of sanity You have touched The black spell of stars Emanation of burning madness The broken mirror of your world Endless nightmare from beyond of mind