Die by my sword, blasphemous demons! I tear you down, blood stains the earth Show them no mercy, blasphemous demons! We slay them as they stand in our path Kill! Dismembering the fallen The ground it shakes The earth it quakes Marching forward their armies appear Stand your ground men You will fear not the reaper This is our time and this is our glory The ground it shakes The earth it quakes Brandish thy sword It's now or never We must not perish We fight till the end See them through darkness Unto their deaths I do pledge my heart, soul and body To give all i have to save us from darkness I will not follow you into defeat This is our last chance and we must believe I will now tear the flesh from their skin This war be done and a new life begins I will not spare a single soul When this is done the story will be told Charge! attack! Torn limb from limb The bodies are piled The stench of death and Vile, filthy, dirty, rotting flesh Charge! attack! The time is now To raise the blade And send them back from whence they came