Sitting all alone with the lights out except that of a candle burning. Sitting all alone with my thoughs and you are all that I can see. All i feel is the pain you left me. All i think is how much more misery. All is wish for is my own saviour Come and save me before I forget how to feel. I feel nothing anymore. I feel no joy or pain. But the sadness still remains. The howling wind and sound of the ocean bring my pain to life. As i look to the ocean and my heart bleeds I wish i was not me. I always though. I always believed. I always felt that you were the one and we were always meant to be. I feel nothing anymore. I feel no joy or pain. But the sadness still remains. Kill the pain i feel, Kill the misery I bleed, Turn the darkness into light, Turn what wrong into right, I have waited for this day, When i feel happiness again, Witness to failure again, For all of eternity the sadness will remain. The silent tears I cry help release and heal the pain i feel now. The music playing burns into my soul and i slowly go cold. I feel nothing anymore. I feel no joy or pain. But the sadness still remains.