You tuned your back - walked away Leaving no regrets behind Severing the family bloodline Spilling the sacred trust I held Torturing your image still taunts Deceiving you never believed in me Blinded by your disloyalty Enemy this pain cannot be undone Releasing myself Vulnerable to the games that you play I will not submit to your power Strengthening regain respect and pride Honouring the power within Letting go of the destruction you caused I don't need you and your selfish ways You've fallen way behind I was always loyal and true to you My brother my blood my love And you betrayed me with your lies The blood was spilled when you stabbed me in the back Deceiver I will never forgive you The bloodline was severed with no remorse no contrition I cannot believe your dishonour Is this the payment I deserve for giving you all of me Eternity infinity in torment Now it is done Blood and honour - Blut und ehre I would have died for you I would have killed for you Cut my own throat for you And it was a game to you Blut und ehre - Blood and Honour Walking through illusion not knowing Feeling pain no control What once was true proven false Treachery illusion - all is lost Emotions overwhelmed continue to torment me Suicidal visionary passing through the gateway Back to mortality rebirth a new start Circle of flesh will I ever learn This is not a chosen path Struggling with destiny Where it ends it must begin Magickal realms of fate You turned your back walked away Leaving no regrets behind Severing the family bloodline Spilling the sacred trust I held Torturing your image still taunts Deceiving you never believed in me Blinded by your disloyalty Enemy this pain cannot be undone You will pay the cosmos for the pain you caused