I don't want to talk to you And tell you silly lies But I've done things that'll turn your head And make a grown man cry I've danced down in the jungle to the Pounding tribal beat I was on the first manned space ship hiding Underneath the seat I washed my feet with royalty Had a curry in Madras drank a 34 Dom Perignon From a thousand year old glass But you, made a fool out of me You, (million dollar ride) You made a fool out of me You, (million dollar ride) You only wanted money You only wanted money People call me genius had women kiss my feet Seen the temple of Diana and I surfed on Bondi Beach Played the Sydney opera house Lit the flame for charriots of fire I climbed the Himalayas cause you Know there's nothing higher Made love out in a penthouse Underneath a New York sky I gambled in Las Vegas And man I bled them dry But you, made a fool out of me You, (million dollar ride) You made a fool out of me You, (million dollar ride) You only wanted money You only wanted money I have searched for fortunes Rode out on the glory trail Been arrested in Vancouver Let me out on bail I played with Jimi Hendrix on the Bill at the Isle Of White I chauffeured for Madonna World tour every night I lived next door to Elvis in those Very early days, before hound dog and blue swede shoes We went our seperate ways But you, made a fool out of me You, (million dollar ride) You made a fool out of me You, (million dollar ride) You only wanted money You only wanted money