Tom: D Album: The Triptych Tunning: Drop B (B F# B E G# C#) Tabber: Majin Gaara STAY TUNED! everyone becuase very soon I will be releasing a the guitar and bass version 'The triptych ' tabbed in guitar and bass wise in one tab. Yea its awsome, it will all 12 songs plus how to get both Ethans and Dons guitar tone with a GNX4 or just amp settings and tab explantion for those who arent good at tab. IT is also loaded with and even has updated better tabs then the ones I posted already, with more guitar parts more accurate parts! keep ur eyes open people and keep checking back here! ------------------------------------ ***UPDATE*** 3/18/07 Solo should now be pretty accurate, changed alot of the things to the CORRECT way Thanks ------------------------------------- LESSON LAB: (The solo broken down and explained!) Ethans shred solo here is just a scale run in B natural Minor(B C# D E F# G A). FIG 1 He plays the minor scale ascending up higher up the neck with the use of major 2nds and minor 2nds. As he starts on the 5th and runs up scale and finishes FIG 1 with the root, a High B note. He then brings us into FIG 2 with his first part of it reapeating the use of Major 3rds minor 3rds. It then turns to Minor 3rds to minor 3rds in the second part of the lick and that measure with the 5th FIG 3 is generally the same as FIG 2 just played lower on the neck and ending with the note, just a octave lower than the FIG 2 FIG 4 is a tremelo picked part that raises you up and sits you down with his ascending minor scale. He starts the measure of on the 5th and ends it right on the 3rd. Infact, is playing an exact scale run. Here is what he does: 5th -> 6th -> 7th -> root -> 2nd -> -> 3rd. Basically he tricks into thinking he will play the 3rd which instead he jumps the 4th and drops us right on the 3rd. Then he switch to onctaves after the solo which starts on F#(5th) and brings it down to E(4th which means because its a 4th, it has to which it does once it hits the chorus which is infact a B note. Thats about it for the solo. . = Palm mute T = Tremelo pick ~ = Vibrato * = Pinched Harmonic Ethan - Lead FIG 1 C#||-------------------------------------------------------------------|| G#||----------------------------------------------------------------15-|| E ||-------------------------------------------12-14-15-14-12-14-15----|| B ||----------------------12-14-15-14-12-14-15-------------------------|| F#||-12-12-12-13-13-13-15----------------------------------------------|| B ||-------------------------------------------------------------------|| . . . . . . Ethan - Lead FIG 2 C#||-------------------------------------------------------------------|| G#||-22-18-15-18-22-18-22-18-15-18-22-18-21-18-15-18-21-18-21-18-15----|| E ||----------------------------------------------------------------14-|| B ||-------------------------------------------------------------------|| F#||-------------------------------------------------------------------|| B ||-------------------------------------------------------------------|| Ethan - Lead FIG 3 C#||----------------------------------------------------------|| G#||-10-6---6-10-6-10-6---6-10-6-9-6---6-9-6-9-6--------------|| E ||------7-------------7------------7-----------7------------|| B ||------------------------------------------------7--(7)\---|| F#||----------------------------------------------------------|| B ||----------------------------------------------------------|| Ethan - Lead FIG 4 C#||--------------------------------|| G#||--------------------------------|| E ||-------5T--7T--9T--12T----------|| B ||-7T--8T----------------15*~-----|| F#||--------------------------------|| B ||--------------------------------||