Defy All those who lied Lies that made me cry Lies that made forsake the smile Of a tenderness confined To you and me my bride A love to last till we die Not just one night A value to define That thing you feel inside Playing the dices Gambling your mind Just to hear the sacred sound Of the supreme wisdom they found Hard as you pronounce A dam blowing out To north, the rocks To south, the sea So what will it be? The upper poverty? The lower putrid? Or the corundum Pursuit… You can't be that stupid Cross all boundaries Go everywhere you will Ancient kingdoms belong to me I rule them with my queen A fantastic everlasting sleep/dream I broke all mysteries Enigmatic misticism No more need to weep Ancient kingdoms, I'm no longer their king I ruled them with my queen A fantastic everlasting dream She lights candles for my rememberance She prays for my reappearance My corundum is defined It's what we felt inside Deep in our hearts