Now we have found A place where we can forget Where we hear the sound And where we can get We have gone to the camps And we have seen the little wheat Reading some maps And eating some meat Looking for a route That drives to heaven With his attitude He reparts love 'Cause that's the little wheat The one that gives you treat Like you're in heaven 'Cause that's the place where now he is Little wheat, dear friend Stay where you are Don't leave us now Now we see Up to the skies And we realize That this young grain has grown And I'm not afraid of all Oh, little wheat Thank you for the treat Now we can see That you're just gonna sit Oh, little wheat Give us time Give us pain My old friend We're gonna miss the hate Take out a lime And fought for our lives Don't forget the times When we used to ride Thank you for the time Thank you for the ride Now we have to talk Now it's time to walk Life has given us much pain Since the time you've gone Fuck the car Now you gonna start Up in the line-up In heaven We have to make a treat To say goodbye to the little wheat We're gonna miss you here Now we are full of tears I have to take this train But I want to thank the little grain Thank you