All my eforts were in vain... Where do you see the waste of time? Why this world has to be this way? What did you expect? Maybe some traces of light... Your words are blinded by fear. What would you do in my place? Not just crying. What do you mean? I'm saying you're weak. I don't care what you have to say. Well you should care. My life is my own. I'm part of you. I'll never be able to get away from you. Never! Help me to get out of here. Will you escape again? No, i'll fight here face to face! Finally you're thinking. I'll face this nightmare... This nightmare is the world... Then i'll face the world! Holy master Guide and guardian From within my deepest sorrows i rise To pray for thy protection For thy blessing i need To break free from this oppression That fills my heart with despair I invoke thy holy name To give me the power And the strength To walk on¡ To fin the path that will deliver my heart From all grief To reach the light that lies deep Inside¡