Wherever i turn my eyes, any sound i listen to, anything i touch Everything has lost its true taste, all is artificial, nothing is as It should be Everything is vomited on the earth Has to be measured and weighed everything has the same form, Not a variation, a slight alteration Nothing emane heat You are just foolish human shaped cyborgs, You hide your inner void behind a wall of strangeness, You' ve quitted dreaming, quitted living Who is leading you to ruin Making you believe in fairy tales Cyberhuman !! Neither the faces of those who talk with their ego Escape all that tastes Differently to their unworthy normality Every thought is spelled with the same filthy words, Evocated from the same language where a equals z ! Where all words is lie and the color of the page Is red like the blood spilled from your cianotic eyes You are foolish human shaped cyborgs, You hide yourself behind a wall of strangness , You've quitted dreaming to be guided by the mass Who is leading you to ruin Making you believe in fairy tales Cyberhuman !!