
Singers Song


Come on all us singers sing that Jesus Christ is Lord 
Come on all us singers sing that Jesus Christ is Lord 
Come on all us singers sing that Jesus Christ is Lord 
Come on all us singers sing that Jesus Christ is Lord 

As your people Lord we now stand before your throne, 
A sacrifice of praise will be our song. 
As your singers Lord we will shout that "He is good 
For His love endures forever" 

Come on all us singers sing that Jesus Christ is Lord 
Come on all us singers sing that Jesus Christ is Lord 
Come on all us singers sing that Jesus Christ is Lord 
Come on all us singers sing that Jesus Christ is Lord 
As your people Lord we will sing with thankfulness, 
We want our lives to be a song of praise. 
Banners we will wave to proclaim that "He is good 
For his love endures forever" 

Come on all us dancers dance that Jesus Christ is Lord 
Come on all us dancers dance that Jesus Christ is Lord 
Come on all us dancers dance that Jesus Christ is Lord 
Come on all us dancers dance that Jesus Christ is Lord 

Help us Lord to realize that our lips 
were made for praising You 
Not for bringing others down, 
but for boasting of Your love. 
Show us Lord that when we meet we have 
our feet on holy ground, 
Come and purify our lives, 
forgive us for the wrong we've done. 
We desire to see Your face, 
but teach us first to "Fear the Lord" 
Let us not presume your grace, 
for the sin we bring is our disgrace 
In Your mercy send Your power, 
demons go in Jesus name 
Heal the sick and save the lost, 
reveal the power of the cross 
Open up the heavens Lord 
Open up the heavens Lord 
Open up the heavens Lord 
Open up the heavens Lord 
Open up the heavens Lord 
Let us sing the song that Jesus saves us!