Like a millionaire, but with nothing to spare, All this time on my hands doesn't go anywhere, (But) before you think to cry, I know that… It's not right, that your there, with your love, going spare, You're like a waste of space in an empty room, Just hoping, somebody gets to you soon, (The way you) run around is not so clever, I warn you, honey I love you, With a heart full of song, I will drive you away, This I've known all along but I don't think I'd blame, You for passing on… ('Cos) It's not right, that you care so much more, than I care, I'm just a waste of space, and I rarely move, Here's hoping, somebody gets to me soon, The way you run around is not so clever, I warn you honey, I love you Centre stage is yours to take, If you can lose this waste of space