Well the sun rose hot this morning at the break of dawn I jumped for my towel and I slipped my flip flops on I'm making for the beach before everyone gets on the go Look out girls here comes ole Romeo Yeah I run from my car with the top already let down I wanna be there waitin' when the girls start leaving town With my sun tan lotion and my sunglasses also they'll know Look out girls here comes ole Romeo I kinda flex my muscles when I see them coming in sight I have to watch myself cause I don't wanna start no fight When they all gather round me some kinda put on a show Yeah move over boys here comes ole Romeo Well it didn't take long for me to get used to it My hairs all messed up from them running their fingers through it I have to hold back charms that I really want to let go Yeah look out girls here comes ole Romeo While I'm sittin' here listening to all their moans and sighs Some big cat walks up and kicks sand in my eyes He stands six foot six and weighs about 2-4-0 Oh but I hate to say it but it looks like the end of ole Romeo Yeah you won't kick sand in my eyes Wouldn't like it too much or what that must cause Looks like one of you girls will stay You don't wanna leave