
Slave To The Cross


Tom: A

Usually, one dash is a 16th note. In this song, there is two different
time signatures (4/4 & 12/8). So, at 4/4 ---- is one beat, and at
12/8 ------ is one beat. The verse riffs in this song seem to be played at
32nd note, because of this, -------- is one beat.

Unlike all Deicide songs, which the tuning is 1/2 step down, in this one,
the tuning is 1 1/2 step down. (6:Db 5:Gb 4:Cb 3:E 2:Ab 1:Db)

Intro riff  (Under solo 1)
    1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &                                                     x2

Riff A
  1   &   2   &   3   &   4   &                                   x3
  Killing blood spilling for faith in your god...

Riff B                                                           x2
  Purefication consent to concede...

play intro riff 1 time

Riff C (double speed)           x4
  1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &
  Splitting masses indivision...

(haft speed)                                           (end Riff C) x2
Unified through their religion   Wreck this world with heaven's wisdom

Riff D
    1  &  2  &  3  &  4  &                          x2

Reign of the cross, the aggressor...

                                        (End Riff D) x2
  Slave to the cross of deception...

Riff E                                (end Riff E) x2

play Riff A 3 times (under solo 2)
play Riff B 2 times
play Intro Riff 2 times
play Riff E 2 times with repeat
play RIff F 2 times with repeat
play Riff G 3 times

then end with:


Finally the solos, of course, I did my best. If you
think you got something better, you're free to correct it.
After transcribing all the riffs and the two first solos,
I didn't much feel like figuring the third, probably
because of a lack of concentration. So there are the
first two that Eric plays. Exceptionally for this part,
you have to listen to the song to get the timing.

Solo 1  x2


  Solo 2


                              .................trem pick....................
|----2 times-------2