Bending god tradition undermining the lord, Deadly inhibition in the mindset of war, Severed down the middle of the ties of the blessed, Vindicated verdict override the abject, Spelling out destruction with the truth as my sword, Fighting to the finsh as I told you before, Signs of the reverence has failed to be seen, Gone your disgrace and the lies you perceive, Forged are your promises that can not be kept, Far from the likes of you no longer in death, Suffer in your heart for what you've done to your kind, Innocence destroyed. Walking down the isle into what you detest, Come away with nothing but a knife in your chest. Taken and forsaken from the one you gave life, In retaliation and confined to your spite. On the side of Satan in his world I exist, In control of everything that I have possessed, Standing undefeated when the end has been known, Severed from the thought of everythinbg you've been shown. Beckon for forgivness for the kines you have crossed, Stripped of all ambition from incredible loss, Severance of the ties that bind compel you to death, torn into shreds, Leaving from the day be gone and promise us not, Severed ties unbind the hell and pain that you cause, Cast to the winds of doom idelible scream, Torrid indiscretion and promiscuous fiend, Solitude foresee the light a crown on your head, Waste into nothing separated in dread, Call out to god in mercy empty the plea, Damned to the crucifix revolve in defeat, Envy in decision will be rendered by law, On the side of you a devastation befall, Battle lines are drawn upon my blood I defend, fight to the end.