Rise, rise and breathe! Wind of life Let the waltz begin! Ah, rise and breathe! May your song quicken a new birth! Rouse matter from her sleep Blow, on the silent world Blow, quicken a new birth! Scatter on the silent world little seeds In the wine-dark oceans wide On a planet runnin’ round a young Sun One in the far milky way Remote part of the universe Some day, elemental buds began Suddenly, a new dance A new reign of cells did build their first walls Energy swarming DNA forming Now the seeds are planted Life is born! In the turmoil of the earth The first tiny forms become The first leaf on the tree of life Oxygen fills the atmosphere more and more Then soon, in this endless growth, behold The first breath, the first beating heart The first brain Led by a will to live on Rise and breathe! Whole cosmos in a shell so thin! Striving, to preserve their forms Spreading all over the world Now, a new era is born The earth is conquered! This is meant to be the eden The original place The story and the heart The house and the household The panorama over the vastest sea The vision that revealed it all That voice that resounds within Is the grasp of mother nature Embraces us with sprouting flowers Caresses us with sweet warm honey And keeps us safe with her love Contemplate her Contemplate her, young life Bow to her might Don’t fear it But gaze, stare, admire Feel that shiver coming on thy spine And prepare Let the journey begin! Life, energy Wander, breathing endlessly Rise, gentle wind Now, may the waltz begin