Rise, my children, now A new day of light is here Beyond the curtain of night, and I see The flowing of time, morn and eventide The hawk on the green woods, the mountains high Now the circle of change and life Can dance again under starlit skies A new horizon seems to wait And from the embers leaps a flame Now, through silence, hear my cry I am a muse of life A perfect symphony Making the world breathe since ancient times Letting life rise from the ashes For nothing really dies I am the keeper of the flame Singing on! Aware to be just one tune in the song Remember the grim past and let it go Now you can see that fall and rise Are all the same, and your pain will die So, now, take in the beauty of Sun and rain Be part of the one, perfect game Dance to the pace set by time Led by the reins of life Hear me, perfect symphony of endless strife Beyond the limit of the single form I live in a never-ending gyre I am the pillar standing tall since ancient times Letting life rise from the ashes And nothing really die I am the phoenix from the flames, soaring on Born from stardust Energy from the void Atoms of the universe Thin equilibrium Beauty between the beings Survivor of a million species Chosen one in countless decades Man By nature, wanderer By instinct, hunter By reason, conqueror Life Creator of new And great, impressive monuments Things earth could have never seen before There to stay and remind Art Hands, able to forge the unseen Intelligence to overcome any challenge How could all this awesomeness be dispersed in such a wasteful way Pride Forgot our roots Unlearned the good old past Slanted to the future With no regret, no pity, no mercy We tried to superimpose ourselves On our bountiful home land And we got back nothing but ash and unforgiveness That’s not what mankind deserved Sure, we were warned! We could have been able to recover Completely from our stall Set our wings back into the air And soar again