Power and profit are the law of the land Thoese who live by the knife will die by their own hand But the rich aren't the ones who die on the front lines And the system maintains whether we live or die [Chorus] Your godsand leaders and your shit fucking system Create warfare, arefare The rise and we fall, they prosper, we perish It doesn't matter wheather we live or die In their warfare, warfare This is warfare Theres always a target to keep us divided The fucking scum in power won't stop till we're all dead Insane world leaders still wage wars for profit You can protest and protest but it won't fucking change! From the dawm of time it's always the same The threat of your freedom leads to financial gain But the rich aren't te ones who die on the front lines Yet their system maintains wheater we live or die This is....... Warfare, Warfare Warfare, Warfare Warfare, Warfare Warfare, Warfare The rich aren't the ones who die On the front lines And their system maintains wheather we live or die This is warfare