Cutting throats- A daily routine Ripping out testicles- Unanesthetized Scalded alive- A minor accident Panic stricken, twitching headless, drowning in their own shit Screaming, kicking, crammed together, half dead Stomping on their own heads From my actions Thousands of tortured souls cease to be My task to satisfy tongues that are poisoned by greed I taken upon me their guilt to indulge themselves in death Mentally brutalized - A cold façade conceals what's deep Within - Mercy, compassion, respect for life Species enslaved, bred to please the superior Condemned - A short life of servitude A pile of rancid flesh Spillover of excruciating pain Butchered in the name of luxury Emotionless, I execute my duty A dull life until fate strikes me down Grave event - To crush my vitality Sudden spiritual elevation Drawn into an unknown state Panic overtakes me as I Look upon my physical self Whirlwind of karma upon me As my life rewinds before my eyes Soaring further into…The unreal Awakening - In a scene of lurid images Visions - Creatures craving to retaliate Fury - Clutches and fangs excoriate my flesh Agony - Forced to feel what I have once inflicted Transcending The unearthly Unforeseen Release From infernal claws tight around me Returning to reality, Purged by netherwordly trial Regaining consciousness, second life begins Ethical transformation Tranquilized by misery Compassion thoroughly flows from within To cast an altered view on all living beings