Defacing God


Defacing God

Bloodstains on the mankind's carpet
Drowned hope and empty words
These scattering rats
Their diseased existence
Lures you into the undertow
Indoctrination ignites their words

Fear breeds enslavement of society
Control, invasion of your privacy
Secrecy and power their currency
Drilled into your mind they manifest
Blood ties between the great and lies
Castration, a shallow pit of emptiness
A parasite they are to this fucking world
Independеnce washed away

Slaves, puppets, face on the ground

Leave your brain behind
And seek against the dying light
You are fooled
Chained to a rusty illusion
A self-destructive evolution
Sit back, consume as they feed you lies

Dead, buried, shaded reality
Teaching, raising useless generations
Lost self-control

Praising the spoon-fed stimulation
Army of a braindead congregation
You are blind, left behind, lost in the game