Yo let me tell you something There's always gonna be people in your life Who think they know what's Best for you better then you do. Next time Someone tells you how to live Your life tell 'em yo, shut you fuckin' mouth When your talkin' to me This is the life we fuckin' live We won't apologize for shit Everyday I never stray from The path that I've chosen Never cared I'm the loose thread In the tapestry this world has woven Gravitate towards the ones, who share like a mind. If that ain't you stay out my lane I'll stay out yours, we'll be fine Respect is give and take, real recognises real. Don't second guess yourself Live by this and keep it trill This is the life we fuckin' live We won't apologize for shit This is the life you fuckin' live Don't you apologize for shit Don't you apologize for shit Anything you do, do it For yourself, you hear me? They all want a piece Don't you ever give it to 'em Anything you do Do it for yourself, you hear me? Live life with no regrets Braaahhh This is the life we fuckin' live We won't apologize for shit. This is the life you fuckin' live Don't you apologize Never apologize