I'm never gonna grow up If I'm alive tomorrow I'll still be a screw up A young heart can be in a grown man But they cant well change who the fuck I am They can have their suits They can have their ties I'll be in there yelling with my boys rolling dice Fun and games and it ain't gonna change Until the day that I die But I ain't done with this life I'm having fun with this life Everyday bullshit ain't for me I live young I live free Never be what they want me to be I'm too happy being me (Never grow up) Never gonna settle down like the rest If life's a game, if life's a test Well then you gotta cheat death Until your last fuckin breath (Never grow up) [x2] When I walk down the street Everywhere I look all I seem to see Nothing but fuckin salvies Who forget about their dreams Jaded as fuck Down on their luck Still trying to work out just where they fucked up Fuckin slaves with a foot in the grave They're too late to be saved I don't ever wanna be that way That'll never be the path I take They say your only young once Well I say fuck that I'm never gonna grow up Young at heart until the day I die WHO'S FUCKIN WITH ME EVERYDAY BULLSHIT AIN'T FOR ME I LIVE YOUNG I LIVE FREE NEVER GONNA BE WHAT THEY WANT ME TO BE I'M TOO HAPPY BEING ME NEVER GONNA SETTLE DOWN LIKE THE REST IF LIFE'S A GAME IF LIFE'S A TEST THEN WELL YOU GOTTA CHEAT DEATH UNTIL YOUR LAST FUCKING BREATH