Throu your look, i see that you are I don't tears that they, con to fall of you eyes It is as on day blackout That backwards me and adorable day Night ok weak winds, coluds tht cover the moom Followed with the noblest wine making with the noblet wine Making with taht our impossed penalty Is more proximation, perpetual that either our conviction Waht is was clearly for the moom, black clouds hand passed E became shadier the night that born the kingdoom dardness I have the sadness in my dominion I am ready to dive In mine fears drouhts, of the deepest sadness and solitude A escuridao ja esta presente em nos, A lua palida nos enche de angustias, Em toas as noites frias; E faz entorpecer nossos coraçaoes, Deixando uma grande sede da mais profunda tristeza, Que a dor esteja sempre em nossos coraçoes, E que juntos alcansemos o mais eterno sofrimento; Somos tristes por nao estarmos mortos, E tristes por estarmos vivos; A dor e nossa vida, deep silence a trilha sonora da melancolia.