No desire, none of this or None of that Tired of being someone Emptiness of the carcass Getting back home late tired of all Laying lazy on the sofa Le cerveau en mode veille La boîte à merdes comble ta faim Inner daemons quick arise What else to do ? You deserve rest Start to roll & full that empty glass Fill your thirst Then one after another It consumes as you do too Blanking all your inputs Then one after another Self-torture or masturbation Idle - No implication Then one after another Ressasse, sans rien faire Ressasse, sans cesse, Sans rien faire Keep turning over Feeding on smoking potions Idle but boiling brain Slow collapse over sewers Inner daemons quick arise What else to do ? You deserve rest Start to roll & full that Empty glass, fill you thirst Status IDLE : Nothing/Empty All is gone, apetite, desire All to none So empty, so empty Locked inside Entertaining your mind To self-disgust, so pathetic Too weak Hibernate. Tore apart Desolate. Mind so swamped