Deep Forest

Eternal Dream

Deep Forest

What I saw after a dense fog
was an illusion?
Cry from my heart,
your image evoked from within

My heartbeat, let my 
heart breathe still
with the unyielding thought

Wind blew
and put out my fire,
my fire that was important and to be protected 
without a loss

Let my heart beat 
for the unyielding thought,
for sure ruins of the fire

Teach me the courage
to look ahead for tomorrow
with the passionate eyes

I started walking toward light,
for our wish will come true some time

My heartbeat, let my 
heart breathe still with 
the unyielding thought

My heartbeat, let my
heart beat for the unyielding thought,
for several spirits that are gone

Tell me in your answer,
that I can live now
with my pride in heart