Gilgamesh, the demigod of Uruk Courageous warrior She saw him triumphing against Humbaba Inanna! The swagger of Erech The fickle goddess, courtesan of the gods Fond of who repudiated her Anu! She threatened you with anger: `I will bring up the dead to eat the living. And the dead will outnumber the living.` Ain't Inanna make a fuss? When she'd gone down into the land of no return!? Without reflection, hadn't she thrown herself at Ereshkigal in a rage!? Didn't you send Kalaturru and Kurgarru to bring her resurrection Why then she had the Bull of heaven? When attacked on Gilgamesh and Enikdu, the Bull's heart was then Utu's On the walls of Uruk cast downed Inanna, cursed Gilgamesh Enkidu teared off its right thigh and throws it in Inanna's face : `If I could lay my hands on you, it is this I should do to you, and lash your entrails to your side.` She decided to revenge herself and cursed him again by taking Enkidu's life. Embark now, further, to the unknown worlds, Your true journey has began. Seek for the secrets of eternal life. On his path, he met the wise semigod Utnapishtim told him sacred places to give him eternal youth Dived deep to the ocean's floor and slept after bringing it (to the surface) The scent ov eternal youth awakened the evil Shu Fleeting snake was shedding its skin... Stunned by your own demise Surrendered to your fate The journey has come to an end Now reflect upon pain and grief The suffering belongs to you alone and await your your final destiny: death!