
By Example


Broken words now silencing no more breath that's worth wasting 
Screams inside cannot focus 
Not enough to find exit 
Forced into retreat life that once showed such promise 
Dying without ceremony 
No one mourns this silent grave 
Ignore signs to the contrary and lay your head to sleep 
It seems there are no answers no more than what you've seen 
The implied safety falters and falls shattering 
The vacuum left behind is all the proof you really need 
And by example you bleed drop by drop you'll understand 
Wiping away all the protest in an instant scatter the winds 
The sky suffocates 
Touch the sun and turn to dust justice served for ambition 
Bowing to the fallen star 
Forever chained by this failure 
Ignore signs to the contrary and lay your head to sleep 
It seems there are no answers no more than what you've seen 
The implied safety falters and falls shattering 
The vacuum left behind is all the proof you really need 
And by example you bleed drop by drop you'll understand