Let's go These are the bones of his disciples Oil from the blubber of Jonah's whale Two Samson's hairs, eye of providence Very old tooth of someone almost saint Gott Mit Uns buckles, flammable stakes Stylish white robes and peaked white hoods Laundries of Ireland and gold of Aztecs Finest collection of filthy keepsakes Nothing to lose I, Iconoclast Nothing to fear I doubt therefore I am Hated traitor, take your fall Fading evangelical Spit your poison in our brains Twisting voices, mind insane Hatеd traitor, take your fall Fading evangelical Sеptic poison in our brains Twisting voices, mind insane Nothing to lose I, Iconoclast Nothing to fear I doubt therefore I am This is the dust from holy land Here comes the storm to wash it away This is the empire designed to fall But hey, Rome wasn't burned in a day Nothing to lose I, Iconoclast Nothing to fear I laugh therefore I am