On wings of sorrow. I travel far. Beyond life`s gate, Into the realm of hate. Tunes of death, caresses my mind. Armageddon`s time, is to be found. I am the chosen one, set me free. Carpe nocem, carpe nocem In my veins, blackened reigns. Not to be chained, by the claws of time. I have no fear, my salvation is near. Nightfall again. Spread my wings I am the chosen one, set me free. Carpe nocem, carpe nocem Tortured souls, thousands in time. I feed on pain. vengence is mine Hidden in time by fear, only to grow strong. Empire of strength is near. Oh! You all were so wrong Crush the lambs. Destroy their temple of joy. Revenge for the burnt and tortured. Fullmoon posession Take what`s mine, walk with me, my will is done. Carpe nocem, carpe nocem!