Small talk, pretty large drinks Walk the walk, don’t even think about it Stand around quotin’ shrinks She eyes his wallet, the old man winks I’m a square in this circle But I am not the fool Gonna hail me a cab, get outa this suit now Cuz I don’t wanna be that cool Drive their porsches low to the ground But when they’re talking to you, talkin’ down Got a wandering eye to the next best thing The big audition, the desktop fling I’m a square in this circle But I am not the fool Gonna hail me a cab, get outa this suit now Cuz I don’t wanna be that cool Got a whole bunch of money and a lot of letters after their names Talk and they talk and they don’t have nothin’ to say Gotta get out, get goin’, deal me out of this game I don’t wanna play, I’m running away Small talk, pretty large drinks Punch the clock, forget that dream Put your heart in a briefcase, your soul on file I feel the aching behind that smile I’m a square in this circle But I am not the fool Gonna hail me a cab, get outa this suit now Cuz I don’t wanna be that cool