I can see, everything, turning around for my good I can see, everything, turning around for my good I can see everything o, turning around Turning around, turning around, for my good Your better tomorrow, is coming around o Turning around, turning around, for my good Your favor is coming to you now, everything is turning around Turning around, turning around, for my good I can see everything, turning around, turning around o Turning around, turning around, for my good I see God changing your levels tonight If you believe it shout hallelujah! Everything is turning around for your good Everything is turning around for your good I see God changing your levels Everything is turning around for your good Favor shall be called your name Everything is turning around for your good No matter what they have said concerning you I see God giving you favor tonight It's your turn to shine tonight For everything is turning around for your good I can see everything Response: Turning around, turning around Turning around for my good I can see everything o, turning around Turning around o Turning around, for my good Your better tomorrow, turning around, turning around Is coming to you now Turning around, for my good Alleluia what is your name? Favor is my name What is your name? Favor is my name I said what is your name? Favor is my name What is your name? Favor is my name I declare today that you are favored in the name of Jesus (ameenn) Favor is my name, favor is my name Success is my name, miracle is my name I am walking in dominion The lord has lifted me high Anywhere I go, I am favored I go to the north, I am favored You go to the south, I am favored I am favored, I am favored I said what is your name Response: Favor is my name What is your name? Favor is my name Hallelujah what is your name? Favor is my name What is your name? Favor is my name Sekem sekem sekem sekem Are you ready to dance like a nigerian Common lets go He's a miracle working God He's a miracle working God He's a miracle working God He's a miracle working God Chinemem, he's a miracle working God He's a miracle working God Agbumatchem, he's a miracle working God He's a miracle working God Ancient of days, he's a miracle working God He's a miracle working God Lion of judah, you are a miracle working God He's a miracle working God He's a miracle working God He's a miracle working God Sele sele sele He's a miracle working God Sele sele sele Jehovah onyeoma mo, onyeoma me Jehova onyeoma me (the lord is our God) Onyeoma me Jehova onyeoma me (the lord is our God) Onyeoma me Jehova onyeoma me (the lord is our God) Sekem sekem sekem sekem Somebody scrreamm Jehovah you are so good You are so good Jehovah you are so good oh You are so good Jehovah you are so good daddy You are so good Eehhh you are so good You are so good Jehovah you are mighty, daddy You are mighty Eeh you are mighty You are mighty Jehovah you are able, daddy You are able Ayayayaya able You are able Jehovah you are able, daddy oh You are able Eehh you are able You are able No matter where you are, no matter everything No matter your situation, no matter everything No matter your trials, no matter everything No matter your problems, no matter everything One thing which I know, my God is able! He's able, he's able, he's able! Ooh He's able, he's able, he's able! Ooh Ye le le le le, ye le le He's able, he's able, he's able! Ooh He's able, he's able, he's able! Ooh He's able, he's able, he's able! Ooh He's able, he's able, he's able! Ooh Somebody scream Chukwu idima (God you are good) Eh idima Onyeoma neme nma (God is good) Eh idima Jehovah jireh (the lord our provider) Eh idima Odum ebo judah (the lion of judah) Eh idima Isi iyi nke ndu eh (the stream of life) Eh idima Onyeoma neme nma (God is good) Eh idima Onyeoma le (our God) Onyeoma le (our God) Onyeoma le (our God) Onyeoma le (our God) Chukwu idima (God you are good) Eh idima Eh idima (oh you are good) Eh idima Chukwu idima Eh idima Onyeoma le (our God) Onyeoma le (our God) Onyeoma le (our God) Onyeoma le (our God) Ahh chukwu idima (God you are good) Eh idima Chukwu idima (God you are good) Eh idima Chukwu idima (God you are good) Eh idima Chukwu idima (God you are good) Eh idima Ehnna chena ehnna bida One thing which I know, my God is able!