Deathspell Omega

Renegade Ashes

Deathspell Omega

Whither the direction
So long as thou guidest us!

We shall march and march
And the sound of our boots on the asphalt
Shall fill our hearts and minds entirely
It is only within the collective body
That you are whole, outside of it
You are incomplete and maimed
Walking over the precipice in communion
Is easier than to acknowledge yourself
As the cripple that you truly are

Disobedience shall be judged
A sin worse than murder, unchastity or theft
Obedience is the first law of the Order
Whilst wearing the frightening cloth
Of the wolf, thou truly art the epitome of submission

Suspicion shall be your companion
For if you conceal blemishes
Your comrades must certainly hide
Blemishes even more severe
Your glance shall always be on your brethren
And you shall weigh their worth constantly
Which one of them shall be found wanting today?
Do not fear to denounce an innocent
And have him sentenced
Thou shalt only fear to be too lenient
With a deviationist
The mouth of the dissenter shall be filled
With spiders and his heart cut out
And fed to the dogs

Loneliness is a feeling
We will relieve you from
From the barren shores
Of the north to the heart
Of the empire, thou shalt always
Feel the scrutiny of the Eyes

Thou shalt smile to the murderer
As if he were of your kin
But you will give a terrible death
To the deviationist, our Words are holy
And immutable in all eternity

Our doctrine is the one and only eternal truth
The indifferent shall be given a single chance
To convert but the deviationist
He who once was saved and spat in the face
Of his brothers and sisters, shall be terminated

We will eradicate any shades of grey
We drew a partisan line and you shall stand
Either on its left or on its right
Everything is legitimate
That at any given moment is useful to the Order
The traitors ought to be punished
But even those who are indifferent
Ought to be punished
You have to punish whoever is passive
And dares not take sides
Whatever is outside the sovereign body
Of the Order is an enemy

Our holy duty is not to govern the City
Nor the fight to gain power
It is the attainment of perfection on earth
The instauration of an Order so perfect
As to last a thousand years and then forevermore
Therefore, anyone turning their backs
On this blessed mission
Renounce their right to life