Carrion beetles pouring from his mouth: I have devised a new light That burns brighter above all others I have risen towers, structures of such magnitude That even the mountains pale with envy I have made myself the greatest of all gods And everything living now bends to my will You are indeed the king of kings May the greatness of your deeds be bestowed upon you You have ploughed the soil and left it poisoned Eadem, sed aliter So, the fruits of the earth turn to blight in your mouth And your crops are a slow and tasteless poison The air was the sweetest of all earthly delights, But now the fumes of your creations smother the skies And the stars are all but forgotten So, your breath will serve you pestilence And turn your lungs into peat The bones of the earth you have broken You melted the marvels of the depths Forging leashes of silver and gold So, now your own bones will be broken And their flesh melted off Carrion beetles pouring from his mouth: But isn't strife the core of existence? And progress the arkhè of our lives? I won this world with sword and fire And carved it to my image My claim to the throne is just You have devised a new light And your eyes will see no further You have risen towers For a one long fall downwards You made a desert and called it peace So, rest assured, your claim will be processed justly And the greatness of your deeds bestowed upon you