Deathspell Omega

Absolutist Regeneration

Deathspell Omega

The only truly malignant evil is hope
We shall therefore fill the hearts
Of the masses with hope and ever more hope
The unspeakable shall then become a certainty

As a whole, we shall prefer
To take a shape that possesses
Neither depth nor demonic dimension
It can henceforth lay waste the whole world
Precisely because it spreads on the surface
Barely noticed, like a fungus
The smaller and trivial the causes
The greater the magnitude of the consequences
Banality makes for a vague target
Whereas defiant greatness galvanizes opponents

Our actions shall reveal their rotten cores
Only after meticulous peeling of layers
And layers of benevolence

The mere existence of conflicting opinions
Means that the Truth has yet to triumph
Diversity is an outrage
Freedom of thought will be terminated
Everything is a lie but
That which we feed you, believe me
If your thoughts collide with what we say
These thoughts can not be yours
We will rip your mouth open
And stuff you with Truth, like a goose
The Truth will blossom in the end
Be it over your swollen corpse

The leader, the man whose feet
You crave to lick, trembling in awe
Shall be the personification
Of the certitude of the creed
And the defiance and grandeur
Of a power that will purify the world
Born to last a thousand years
And whose beloved infant, the new Man
Shall be the end of all

While we will pretend
That there is but one leader
We will prepare a host of leaders
For every one of them
Is but one accident in a series
While the road is indeed straight
There is a multiplicity of them

The roar of our flaming masses sounds
Like the voice of a God unleashed in fury
The face of the mass is as the face
Of the deep out of which, like God
In times you are henceforth forbidden
To speak about, we will bring forth a new world

We shall conquer the World
At first by mastering and spreading the Word
We shall discredit the powers
That are and instil doubt everywhere
With flamboyant derision

We shall then fill our ranks
With the fanatics, without whom
There can be no new dawn
For they are masters of chaos
And revel more in rubble
Than in blooming orchards

Finally, we shall make room
For men of action, the dams of entropy
The bearers of the Law
TThey shall provide infinite supply
Of opiates to the souls
Of the restless masses and a sweet lullaby

We will demand you to speak and within yourself
Shall blossom the potential for demagogy
Your mouth shall utter words that flatter the ego
Words that will bring your audience
Into motion by befuddling their minds
The seed to deception is within all of you
Waiting for a fertile moment
We shall frame the world
So as to make it a giant stage
The feverish gaze of thy contemporaries
Shall fill your mouth with ardour
Ss you spit out the poison of the Atrax

We will turn this world into a cemetery
Rather than not regenerate it our own way
We will clean out the marsh at all costs
Make a clean slate from the old spectral world
We will cause a collective trauma
That will vomit out a magma
Upon which we could reach for the stars

From the legion of those adrift
To the legion of One
From lively chaos to sterile order
From life to death: What a triumph!

Our order shall be one
Banning self-sufficiency
Installing an all encompassing dependence
Sanctioned by constant betrayal
You shall not even be entitled
To your own thoughts, submission
And misery are internally related
Our natural order is now equal
With the highest possible Justice

The naysayers will call
The crowning achievement of our system
Omnipotence gone mad
The System does what it wants
Break all the laws including those of reason
It is the beginning and the end
It is the unrestrained exercise of power
Sheer randomness, even for a mere minute
Would be a respite

Both knowledge and penance shall be banned
The Liquid of Life flows
From only one Source exclusively
The iron bones and diamant-made spines
Of our world grow from one nutrient exclusively
This intricate maze shall look
Like bars and cages on the horizon
And give you comfort and warmth of heart
The manifold and the unexpected
Rest in graves made sterile by acrid tears

Good behavior and rewards shall be luminously connected
So that every one of you become masters
At instrumentalizing charity within the System
Nothing ought to be disinterested
Everything ought to happen
According to grades decided
By those sitting in the chairs
Of the floor that scrapes the clouds
We shall preclude the possibility of morality
And bury decency to the sound of bawdy songs

Those who nourish the famished
Shall be left to starve
Those who heal the wounded shall be maimed
Those who console the lamenting souls
Shall be buried alive
Their stomachs filled with ignominious larvae
Rats shall feed on the eyes
Of those guilty of empathy
Towards their fellow men
That which is not our credo is not to be

The standpoint of the Order
Is not the standpoint of men
Its wisdom is incomparable
What may seem to be against your interests
May be in fact the best means of realizing them
Unlike the Order, we cannot judge
What is best for the whole

We shall leave
Sufficient doubt about the Laws
Or change them on a whim
So as to breed superstition
Therefore turning adults
Into insecure, foolish children
Stuttering panicked words
Of flattery and idolatry
In a vain bid to tip the scales

We shall make sure
That the smallest of your dreams
Is guaranteed to turn into a nightmare
So that your thoughts never wander
From the here and now
Today we protect
Tomorrow we abandon you

Behold the fatal process
Of human civilization
And let’s raise a glass
As the hour of redemption has come