Born of the void as a female human, She was full of innocence and weakness (Lust...Pain...mother of perversion) Her own face soon betrayed her It was time for demoniac vengeance (Lust...Pain...mother of perversion) Then came her suicide to rejoin Satan, Her Father that teached her how to fight the plague (Lust...Pain...mother of perversion) Now she is the mistress of sin Debauching the humans one by one They try hard to reset temptation Sometimes try praying gods (symbols of their feebleness) Her hatred is almighty and ubiquitous Always striking with a sweet brutality Victims are always chosen at random The race she once belonged to shall perish (Lust...Pain...succubus of all vices) She spawned sins and blasphemies Incest, sodomy, rape,...her depraved mind created them all (Lust...Pain...succubus of all vices) The mystical whore will penetrate everybody Purity is scorned even if mankind keeps their dying faith (Lust...Pain...succubus of all vices) She vermins that the vermin has stopped growing At kind of majestic infarificide (?) Men and women killing each other In the name of an invisible force Her spirit is a vagina which procreated the Evil Our Father Satan gave her an immortal name Lilith.