Listen to the breathing of that which in sick delectation And devouring famine restores the new order By contamination and incubation Unity restored in imperious necessity What a vertigo under the vault of the crimson sky! L'exclusion inconcevable d'une seule ame serait un danger pour l'Harmonie éternelle. I am an accomplice and my disheveled laughters and moans Are of the same essence as the fervour of a Saint It is senseless to fight against this infinite stream Behind this threshold life exhausts itself, loses itself Rejoice, for tonight it is an eerie birth that we celebrate! And with dusk, as shadows slowly recover the land The most extreme solitude drapes the shoulders Of a distant silhouette bearing a glacial emptiness Laden like a luminous storm in which sun and lightening are prolonged A wound through which, hastening from all points of the universe Desolation spreads in choatich convulsions