Holy books forced down their throats with a sadistic grin, Strangulation, desecration, annihilation... Death! Burning them still alive, just bleeding them like swines. We'll pay back your compassion with bullets and bombs, Drowning your buildings of worship and love in lakes of fire. Giving it really hard to a little child, with painful tears you may ask why. Your pure values won't last more than a while, with a smile we bring you Hell! Little tool, raped and abused, Poor fucking human, just bleeding you like a swine. We laugh of the disgust on your face when you look at us. We feast upon your hate, We feast upon your fear. Apostles of the Shadow, prophets of your fall and damnation. Just bleeding you like swines. We'll smash you to the ground... Humiliation! Watch us, bleeding them like swines! Holy books forced down their throats with a sadistic grin, Strangulation, desecration, annihilation... Death! Burning them still alive, just bleeding them like swines. We'll pay back your compassion with bullets and bombs, Drowning your buildings of worship and love in lakes of fire. We laugh of the disgust on your face when you look at us. We feast upon your hate, We feast upon your fear. Apostles of the Shadow, prophets of your fall and damnation. Just bleeding you like swines, you sheeps, just bleeding you like swines!