One man died on the bed of cancer Another one raped his own daughter Shy girl became a striptease dancer Drunken driving brings to manslaughter Somebody's child died of hunger Another one lives like a lord One guy was born in the gutter Doomed to bear his heavy load We all come to endsville Welcome to endsville ("all other ways are closed to us, Except the way already chosen" T. s. eliot "murder in cathedral") One woman was murdered by serial killer Another one will live to a venerable age Good boy likes to watch bloody thrillers He'll release the beast from the cage Somebody's son was killed in war Another one exploded a bomb in plane Nothing can change this moribund world Our crazy planet remains the same The last words: We die with the dying: See, they depart and we go with them We are born with the dead: See, they return and bring us with them [t.s. eliot "little gidding"] We all come to endsville Welcome to endsville