Above this land from times untold gazing down since days of old on darkest nights the sky's aglow reflecting dimly upon the snow The gaze of all forgotten heroes Reflected in this azure light Graces now, my journey As I sail into the night Remember this, our endless song Our dream of journey living on From our course we'll never stray The northern lights will guide our way Carved in stone our names survive Through our blood we stay alive Though in this world we shall not stay The northern lights will guide our way Above this land from times untold gazing down since days of old on darkest nights the sky's aglow reflecting dimly upon the snow The gaze of all forgotten heroes Reflected in this azure light Graces now, my journey As I sail into the night Upon my side my sword is sheathed And on my back my shield The blackened waves my ship's upon my true purpose thus revealed The northern lights above me shine The colours cascade down Reflecting on my armour As I sail away from town Aurora Borealis, the heaven's are ablaze As I stare towards the night sky Its radiance meets my gaze Aurora Borealis, the earth below it lights As I look upon the ocean On these never ending nights Aurora Borealis, watch over me tonight Though I sail into an unknown land My soul will not know fright Aurora Borealis, lead me on my way Though my family wishes me at home I know I cannot stay Above this land from times untold gazing down since days of old on darkest nights the sky's aglow reflecting dimly upon the snow The gaze of all forgotten heroes Reflected in this azure light Graces now, my journey As I sail into the night Remember this, our endless song Our dream of journey living on From our course we'll never stray The northern lights will guide our way Carved in stone our names survive Through our blood we stay alive Though in this world we shall not stay The northern lights will guide our way