From the north our armies march to take the throne from thee to take it back with blades in hand to take it maliciously where once we ruled we now return with anger gleaming bright to spill their blood upon the snow, bathed in pale moonlight Through melees long Through seas of spears through showers of blood through the gore of thousands Through melees long Through seas of spears through showers of blood through the gore of thousands Below the hill we lie in wait for our time to kill to taste their blood upon our lips this urge we must fulfill the time is here and out we come the legion of the night to kiss their stomachs with our swords and shed their blood in spite March! [repeated] Raising our weapons we cry out with glee and the blood in our veins fills with raw ecstasy headfirst and headstrong our armies collide for the glory of our people, to bring us pride and avenge our sons who died