Two hundred years ago there lived a man well known That man, he was wirmly insane He captured little kids and kept them in the binds Those children died slowly in pain At least they tracked him down and awful truth was found To be buried alive was his doom He spelled curse on the place that know one can't efface It'll last with the flowers on his tomb So many years of decay, but the place is standing still So many tears wailed away, in that house on hauntend hill Land has been cursed since the day he was buried alive All there is dead expect his grave, those flowers never die Long time passed away, a young man bought the place And moved in to make it his home First morning he was dead, torso lied at his bed His head was found top of the dome There was blood everywhere, people started to scare At last the old curse had come true So if you pass the place and strange voice calls your name Don't stop or next victim is you So many years of decay, but the place is standing still So many tears wailed away, in that house on hauntend hill Land has been cursed since the day he was buried alive All there is dead expect his grave, those flowers never die