twas like a maelstrom with a notch that nearer every day kept narrowing its boiling wheel until the agony toyed cooly with the final inch of your delerious hem and you dropped lost when something broke and let you from a dream as if a goblin with a gauge kept measuring the hours until you felt the seconds weigh helpless in his paws and not a sinew stirred could help and sense was setting numb when god remembered and the fiend let go - overcome it was not death for you stood up and all the dead lie down it was not frost for on your flesh i saw siroccos crawl nor fire for just your marble feet could keep a chancel cool and yet it tasted like them all as if your sentence stood pronounced and you were frozen led from dungeons luxury of doubt to gibbets and the dead and when the film had stitched your eyes a creature gasped retrieve which anguish was the utterest then - to perish or to life for breath is warm and yours was all but doomed nor dark surrounds for all the bells put out their tongues for noon and yet it tasted like them all the figures i have seen set orderly for burial reminded me of mine killed by the hypnotic bastard drowned in his own sleep a god of useless meditation a carcass of the soul of man with fodder from the mouth of ages